Create your trip

Planning to travel to more than one city or stopping over during your trip? Create your trip here.

  • Flight 1

    Please select a departure city

    Please select a destination

  • Flight 2

    Please select a departure city

    Please select a destination

  • Flight 3

    Please select a departure city

    Please select a destination

A maximum of 4 different cities can be defined in your itinerary.

For bookings with more than 5 passengers, we highly recommended you to make online reservation separately or through hotline to Contact Us for further booking. (Please note that fares would not be guaranteed subject to the availability of the seat.)
Children between 2-11 years must be accompanied by an adult over 16 years of age when travelling.

  • AdultsAged 12 and over

  • ChildrenAged 2-11

  • Infant (Not Occupying A Seat)Aged 0-2
